Sunday, May 24, 2020

Genocide In Darfur Essay - 1462 Words

As of March of 2008, a total of 300,000 people have died in Darfur, Sudan due to genocide. That is equivalent to the entire population of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Genocide started back in February of 2003 in Darfur, Sudan. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights defines the liberties set for everyone in the World. Established in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights displays the rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled to. The situation in Darfur, Sudan is known as Genocide, Genocide is defined as a systematic extermination or attempt at exterminating a national, political, racial or cultural group. The Darfur Genocide has violated Article #3, Article #5 and Article #9 of the Universal Declaration of Human†¦show more content†¦Next, the Sudanese government violates article #3 by supplying the Janjaweed military regime with military power and covering up military crimes. The government of Sudan has interfered with anyone who has tried to stop the Janjaweed regime. Along with this they have covered up or attempt to cover up the military investigation against the Janjaweed government. Since these acts of violence have been allowed to go on a total of 400,000 Darfurian innocent civilians have been killed, (â€Å"Facts on Darfur† NP).The United Nations along with the ICC are acting out against this, on March 4, 2009 had a warrant for the arrest of Sudan leader Omar al-Bashir. Finally, the Darfur has violated the right to life of article #3 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. The people of Darfur of unarmed and are up agianst a government backed military regime. This has caused much unrest for the people, and lives are being infringed upon. People are being slaughtered daily by a ruthless regime, without ever having a chance to live life. Article #5 has been violated by the Genocide in Darfur. Article #5 says no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. First, article #5 is being violated by the torture that is going in Darfur. The Janjaweed military regime has targeted women, children and even men. TheShow MoreRelatedGenocide in Darfur Essay1531 Words   |  7 PagesHolocaust of Today: Genocide in Darfur By definition, genocide is â€Å"the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.† According to Eric Reeves, writer for the Sudan Tribune, genocide â€Å"encompasses not only the killing of members of a national, ethical, racial, or religious group, as such, but also deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or part.† Whatever genocide may be definedRead MoreGenocide in Darfur Essay1479 Words   |  6 PagesIn recent times, the media has highlighted the genocide that has been occurring in Darfur, Sudan. Darfur, Sudan is a country roughly the size of the state of Texas (Darfur Scores, n.d.). Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire ethnic group of people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do away with them all (Darfur Scores, n.d.). Beginning around 2003, according to Darfur Scores (n.d.), â€Å"the Sudanese gover nment in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militiaRead MoreGenocide in Darfur Essay2011 Words   |  9 Pagesconflicts that stood out from the rest, and still remains present in today’s society. This conflict is called a genocide; the deliberate and systematic extermination of a nation, racial, political or cultural group ( United States ). According to the united sates holocaust memorial museum the term genocide didn’t really come about until 1944. A Jewish- Polish lawyer coined the name genocide in 1944. He did so surfing the reign of Nazis to describe the constant murder. 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Families are being uprooted and starved, children tormented and murdered by the thousands and women raped without punishment. Innocent civilians in Darfur continue to be victims of unthinkable brutality. Many people have become homeless and seek protection in refugee campsRead MoreEssay on Conflicts in Sudan: Genocide in Darfur1547 Words   |  7 PagesThe Republic of Sudan, or Sudan as it more commonly known, is currently in a state of crisis. Darfur, in western Sudan, is in the middle of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world right now. They are on the brink of genocide, the deliberate killing of a very large number of people from a particular ethnic group or background. Like Most civil wars the incidents have been occurring for over twenty years. The armed conflict began to get serious in February of 2003. It was then that the SudaneseRead MoreWhat Caused the Darfur Genocide? Essay894 Words   |  4 Pagesmarginalization of the area in Darfur. Darfur is a region in the western part of Sudan, where it is home to 6 million people from around 100 tribes. In response to the attack, the Janjaweed, which is the government-supported Arab tribesman, raided non-Arab villages in Darfur to create a Pan-Arab state by eradicating all the non-Arab farmers from the land. The Darfur genocide arose when the Sudan Liberation Movement and the JEM, which is the largest rebel group in Darfur, entered Al-Fashir, the capitalRead MoreGenocide in Darfur Essay examples666 Words   |  3 Pageseven worse because this world has so many resources and has learned over the years to use it, but they don’t act on Durfur. Nothing has been done by the United Nations, which is full aware of the situation and has more then enough power to stop the genocide, to actually act. It’s up to you, your going to be the people in charge of the future, to make sure that none of this will ever happen again. In history, we learned about WW2 and The Holocaust. In 1932, Hitler rose to power as chancellor of GermanyRead MoreEssay about Examining Genocides in Germany, Armenia, and Darfur991 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom 1933 to 1945 (Roth). Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines the word, ‘holocaust’, as â€Å"a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire†. This definition describes the Nazi Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, and genocide in Darfur, to name a few (UHRC). In 1933, Hitler’s Nazi regime took power in Germany at a time where the people lacked patriotism and were upset with their government. After losing World War I, Hitler’s anti-Semitism mindset was based on hisRead MoreThe Genocide Still Going on in Darfur, Sudan Essay examples1048 Words   |  5 PagesNot everybody believes in genocides, other may have a different opinion or thoughts. Sometimes people don’t realize its genocide because they believe in what they are doing and they think there is no harm done because it’s not affecting them. To be taken away from your family, to go live somewhere else or to be killed can have a huge impact on your life. Genocides play a huge role in the world; it has and will affect many people. In Darfur there is a genocide going on, it has been going on for a

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

SIG Interview Questions Essay - 3036 Words

SIG Interview Questions 1. Torpedo question: 2 torpedoes, each with 1/3 probability of hitting/ sinking a ship 2. I have 20% chance to have cavity gene. If I do have the gene, there is 51% chance that I will have at least one cavity over 1 year. If I don’t have the gene, there is 19% chance that I will have at least one cavity over 1 year. Given that I have a cavity in 6 months, what’s the probability that I have at least a cavity over 1 year? 3. What is the probability of 5 people with different ages siting in ascending or descending order at a round table? 4. We are racing, and can at any time signal to the other that we would like to double our bet. Weve put down 100 to start and during the race I signal to you I want to double†¦show more content†¦Also, cards worth less than 5 are now valued at $0. What is the maximum price you are now willing to pay for the game? 19. Marble weighing questions 20. How many ways can 5 different people sit down at a round table? How many ways can 5 different people sit down in a line of chairs? What if they were seated at a long table with exactly five seats (the 5 people will sit side by side)? 21. I want to have a birthday party outside this weekend (i.e. need sunny weather). On Saturday, the chance of rain is 60 percent, sun 40 percent. On Sunday, rain is 80 percent, sun is 20 percent. From there, the interviewer can ask an array of questions: What are the chances I can have my party this weekend? If I have my party, what are the chances my party is on Saturday/Sunday? Variation: You can hold a party only if there is no rain on either saturday or sunday. The probability of rain on a saturday is 80% and 60% for sunday. What is the probablity you can hold a party at the weekend? Given that you held a party, what is the probability that that it rained at the weekend? 22. Two blind men are carrying 3 pairs of red rocks and 3 pairs of white socks. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Swot Tows and Financial Herman Miller Free Essays

Financial Ratios and Analysis of Herman Miller Liquidity Ratios Liquidity ratios for a company help whomever is analyzing the data determine the company’s liquidity. When a company has good liquidity they are able to pay off their short term debt without having to take out any additional financing. We will look at Herman Miller’s current ratio for 2009 and 2010. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis Swot Tows and Financial Herman Miller or any similar topic only for you Order Now The current ratio is calculated by taking the company’s current assets and dividing it by the current liabilities. It shows how many times the current assets can cover the current liabilities. 2009 current ratio | 2010 current ratio | 50. 9/282. 2= 1. 597| 394. 7/313= 1. 261| Herman miller’s current ratio in 2009 of 1. 597 shows they have approximately $1. 60 of current assets to ever $1. 00 in current liabilities. In 2010 they had $1. 26 of current assets to ever $1. 00 of current liabilities. This is a bit of a drop from 2009 to 2010. With the ideal point for the current ratio being above 1. 0; Herman Miller can cover their short term debt without any financing but, the ratio is still mediocre. Debt Management Ratios Debt management ratios show to what extent a company uses borrowed funds to finance its operations. These ratios are important to a company because creditors use them to determine the riskiness of the company’s financial position. Using the debt ratio we can determine how much of Herman Miller’s assets are provided through debt. The debt ratio is found by taking the company’s total debt and dividing it by the total assets of the company. Here is the debt ratio for 2009 and 2010 Debt Ratio 2009| Debt Ratio 2010| 759. 3/767. 3= . 99| 690. 5/770. 6= . 896| From the debt ratio we can tell that Herman Miller has nearly as much debt as assets in 2009. This could shy away some creditors. In 2010 they improved y about 10% which really helps their potential ability to gain more financing from creditors. With ideal ratio being below 1 Herman Miller is ok here but far from good. Profitability Ratios Profitability ratios are used to determine how profitable a company is during a specific period of time. These ratios are important because most investors will look at them when deciding whether or not to take stake in your company. High profitability shows that your company is strong financially, and, can also show that your company is growing. We will look at the return on assets ratio for Herman Miller. The ROA is found by taking the net income and dividing it by the total assets of the company. The ROA shows how well a company can turn the money it has to invest into net income. Here is the Herman Miller’s ROA for 2009 and 2010 ROA 2009 | ROA 2010 | 68. 0/767. 3= 8. 86%| 28. 3/770. 6= 3. 67%| Herman Miller has pretty good ROA considering the industry they are in. according to statistics posted by Fortune 500 on money. cnn. com Herman miller was one of the few profitable companies in their industry with many of the top competitors losing money from 2007-2009. So looking at the industry this is a strong ROA. http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2009/industries/216/index. html) SWOT Analysis Strength The first strength we will talk about is that Herman Miller is a profitable organization. In the two years that we looked at (2009 2010) Herman Miller had a positive ROA. This shows that even during the harsh economic times in the United States over the last four years Herman Miller has managed to make a profit where a lot of their competition struggled. Another strength that Herman Miller has is its management. The best example of this being a strength is the fact that Herman Millers top executives are illing to take pay cuts before the general workforce in 2009 they took a 10% cut in January and another 10% in march when they cut all other employees 10%. Showing your workforce that you are willing to make the sacrifices to stay employed before they bottom of the totem pole makes the employees feel appreciated and more willing to go along with a pay cut when necessary. The third strength we recognized is that Herman Miller creates an empowered and positive workforce. Employees at H erman Miller feel empowered they have no problem telling a supervisor that they are breaking the rules and also feel like they can make some decisions. Empowering your workforce even just a little boosts morale and makes workers feel like they are important to the company. This in The last strength we will mention is Herman Miller’s production. Herman Miller implements the process of lean manufacturing. They call their process the â€Å"Herman Miller Performance System†. They maintain efficiencies and cost savings by minimizing the amount of inventory on hand by using â€Å"just in time† inventory process in the case they mention that some suppliers deliver to Herman Miller multiple times daily. Weaknesses The first weakness would be how close their debt ratio is to 1. Having such high debt ratio could chase away creditors. When you have a small amount of creditors to choose from then you lose the power to choose between different creditors depending on interest rates and other variables. This could greatly increase things like interest expense. Another weakness Herman Miller might have is also a strength. The manufacturing strategy and using just in time inventory can be very efficient but, it can sometimes create problems. If a supplier ran out of material or some other type of crisis could cause Herman Miller to lose out on orders and in relation lose out on sales. The third weakness is their participative management style. Although this could be considered a strength if this style isn’t used appropriately it could affect the company in a bad way. If managers take too much time making decisions because they want to have their employees participate in all decisions then it is extremely difficult to make the quick decision when needed. Sometimes in business managers need to make this quick decision and, with participative management if made fully participative some employees may feel different emotions about a decision being made without them knowing it was being made. The last weakness is they are in somewhat of a specialty market during a harsh economy. Being the manufacturer of high end office furniture during a recession is a big weakness when it comes to growth. Not many consumers are looking for high end products right now although they are still profitable with the strategy they have it could take a serious downturn if things were to get worse. Opportunities One opportunity that Herman Miller has is to become totally green. This means having next to no waste and using renewable resources. Herman miller has been working a little bit towards this in the past years. With the demand of environmentally friendly products on the rise this would open up the opportunity to break into and dominate a new market segment. Another opportunity is the increased amount of time spent by people in front of their computers. This is an opportunity because it opens up the idea of making ergonomically superior office furniture that would make the consumers time in front of their computer more comfortable and reduce the risk of injury. The third opportunity is the growth in the Mexican economy. With the Mexican economy rapidly growing this opens up a whole new country that Herman Miller could potentially do business in. the possibility of a whole new demographic of customers along with the possibility of opening a new location. The last opportunity Is the rising demand of senior housing in the United States. The baby boomers are getting older every year and with senior housing overflowing all over the US there will be more housing opening. These housing centers will need office furniture along with household furniture to furnish the units. Threats The first threat we will mention is the rise in telecommuting. With more and more people and business using telecommuting the demand for office furniture will see a hit. This could potentially hurt the sales for Herman Miller. Another threat is the possibility of new entrants in the market from overseas. Having international competitors enter the market can really hurt Herman Miller because of their ability to obtain low cost material while still creating a quality product. The third threat is the possibility of another economic downturn. With the economy on the downside right now Herman Miller is remaining profitable but would they be able to take an even harsher recession. The last threat is the shortage of skilled workers in the US. With skilled workers declining steadily in the US it is starting to effect manufacturing companies. Without skilled workers you have a higher turnover rate and longer training periods. This will boost up cost and will lose Herman Miller money in the long run. TOWS Analysis Strengths and Opportunities Herman Miller’s strength of an empowered good willed workforce could help them take advantage of the opportunity of the growing senior housing demand. With a workforce that is happy and willing to work they would have no problem taking on the extra hours and work needed to keep up with the added demand. Another strength that Herman Miller could use to take advantage of an opportunity is their production strategy would work well with the opportunity of a growing economy in Mexico. Using their production strategy and opening a new location in Mexico could help them benefit from the rapid growth of the Mexican economy. Strengths and Threats The strength of having empowered and good willed employees could help with the threat of declining skilled workers in the US. If the employees you get that are skilled are less likely to leave you company if they feel empowered and enjoy working there. This will lower your turnover rate and your demand for more skilled workers. Another strength that Herman Miller has is their management willing to take pay cuts. This could help during the threat of an economic downturn. During economic downturn most companies need to cut cost for the decrease in demand of their product having top executives take 10-20% pay cuts really helps the cost cutting process and, could be the difference between going under and staying afloat during a recession. Weaknesses and Opportunities A weakness for Herman Miller is operating in a high end market during a harsh economy. They could open up a new location in Mexico where the economy is booming to help balance the loss of demand in the United States. With a dollar going a lot further in Mexico than it does in the US having a plant there would be more beneficial than exporting their goods from the United States. Using the same weakness Herman Miller could break into the rise of senior housing demand. Even with the economy being in a recession there are still customers that want your product it’s just a matter of getting the contracts and, having the willingness to make a product that suits the customers’ needs and wants. Weaknesses and Threats Herman miller has some weaknesses and threats that a related the goal is to turn them into opportunities and strengths. Every company tries to do this and the successful companies are good at it. Herman Miller needs to use their strengths as a counter when they see a weakness or a threat arise. They have done a good job at it thus far and will continue to stay a profitable company in the future. How to cite Analysis Swot Tows and Financial Herman Miller, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay Summary Example For Students

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Essay Summary Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg in Austria, the son of Leopold, Kapellmeister to the Prince-Archbishop ofSalzburg. By the age of three he could play the piano, and he was composing by the time he was five; minuets from this periodshow remarkable understanding of form. Mozarts elder sister Maria Anna (best known as Nannerl) was also a gifted keyboardplayer, and in 1762 their father took the two prodigies on a short performing tour, of the courts at Vienna and Munich. Encouraged by their reception, they embarked the next year on a longer tour, including two weeks at Versailles, where thechildren enchanted Louis XV. In 1764 they arrived in London. Here Mozart wrote his first three symphonies, under theinfluence of Johann Christian Bach, youngest son of Johann Sebastian, who lived in the city. After their return to Salzburg therefollowed three trips to Italy between 1769 and 1773. In Rome Mozart heard a performance of Allegris Misere; the score ofthis work was closely guarded, but Mozart managed to transcribe the music almost perfectly from memory. On Mozarts firstvisit to Milan, his opera Mitridate, r di Ponto was successfully produced, followed on a subsequent visit by Lucia Silla. Thelatter showed signs of the rich, full orchestration that characterizes his later operas. A trip to Vienna in 1773 failed to produce the court appointment that both Mozart and his father wished for him, but didintroduce Mozart to the influence of Haydn, whose Sturm und Drang string quartets (Opus 20) had recently been published. The influence is clear in Mozarts six string quartets, K168-173, and in his Symphony in G minor, K183. Another trip in searchof patronage ended less happily. Accompanied by his mother, Mozart left Salzburg in 1777, travelling through Mannheim toParis. But in July 1778 his mother died. Nor was the trip a professional success: no longer able to pass for a prodigy, Mozartsreception there was muted and hopes of a job came nothing. Back in Salzburg Mozart worked for two years as a church organist for the new archbishop. His employer was less kindlydisposed to the Mozart family than his predecessor had been, but the composer nonetheless produced some of his earliestmasterpieces. The famous Sinfonia concertante for violin, violo and orchestra was written in 1780, and the following yearMozarts first great stage work, the opera Idomeneo, was produced in Munich, where Mozart also wrote his Serenade for 13wind instruments, K361. On his return from Munich, however, the hostility brewing between him and the archbishop came to ahead, and Mozart resigned. On delivering his resignation he was verbally abused and eventually, physically ejected from thearchbishops residence. Without patronage, Mozart was forced to confront the perils of a freelance existence. Initially his efforts met with some success. He took up residence in Vienna and in 1782 his opera Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail (The abdication from the Seraglio) wasproduced in the city and rapturously received. The same year in Viennas St Stephens Cathedral Mozart married ConstanzeWeber. Soon afterwards he initiated a series of subscription concerts at which he performed his piano concertos andimprovised at the keyboard. Most of Mozarts great piano concertos were written for these concerts, including those in C,K467, A, K488 and C minor, K491. In these concertos Mozart brought to the genre a unity and diversity it had not hadbefore, combining bold symphonic richness with passages of subtle delicacy. In 1758 Mozart dedicated to Haydn the six string quartets that now bear Haydns name. Including in this group are the quartetsknown as the Hunt, which make use of hunting calls, and the Dissonance, which opens with an eerie succession of dissonantchords. Overwhelmed by their quality, Haydn confessed to Leopold Mozart, Before God and as an honest man I tell you thatyour son is the greatest composer known to me either in person or by name. The pieces are matched in excellence in Mozartschamber music output only by his String Quintets, outstanding among which are those in C, K515, G minor, K516 and D,K593. Critical Thinking EssayWhat sort of person was Constanze Weber?Mozart, who nicknamed his bride Stanzerl,described her this way, She is not ugly, but at thesame time, far from beautiful. Her entire beautyconsists of two little black eyes and a nice figure. She isnt witty, but has enough common sense tomake her a good wife and mother . Sheunderstands housekeeping and has the kindestheart in the world. I love her and she loves me. . Constanze Mozarts life was far from easy. FromJune 1783 to July 1791, she bore six children. TheMozarts first child, Raimund Leopold, died at theage of two months of an intestinal cramp while hisparents were away on a visit to Salzburg. Theirthird, Johann Thomas Leopold, lived less than amonth, their fourth, Theresia, six months, and theirfifth, Anna Maria, only one hour. The Mozarts were left with only two surviving children, whomWolfgang barely had time to know. When he died, the eldest was seven years old, and theyounger only six months. After Mozarts death, Constanze met and evetually married Nikolaus vonNissen, an official in the Danish Embassy, and it was he who raised Mozarts sons. von Nissendied in 1826, and Constanze in 1842. The two boys led fairly uneventful lives. The elder, Karl Thomas (b. 1784), ended up as a minorofficial on the staff of the viceroy of Naples in Milan. He died in 1858. The younger, Franz XaverWolfgang, inherited his fathers musical inclinations, if not all of his talent. He composed andconducted extensively throught Europe, but perhaps the last word on this Wolfgang AmadeusMozart the Younger was best spoken by George Bernard Shaw in a letter he wrote in 1897. Doyou remember the obscurity of Mozarts son? An amiable man, a clever musician, an excellentplayer, but hopelessly extinguished by his fathers reputation. How could any man do what wasexpected from Mozarts son? Not Mozart himself even.Wolfgang and his father, Leopold had never regained the closeness they had shared in earlier days,but they reached a peace with each other, and maintained a steady corresponence. Leopold diedin Salzburg on May 28, 1787, at the age of 67. Wolfgang had news of his fathers illness in April,at which t ime Constanze was ailing as well. This turn of events left him greatly depressed, and hisown health took a turn for the worse. His music from the preceding decade was only sporadicallypopular, and he eventually fell back on his teaching jobs and on the charity of friends to make endsmeet. In 1788 he stopped performing in public, preferring to compose. Mozart may have died of a number of illnesses. The official diagnosis was miliary fever, but thetruth is that the physicians who attended him were never quite sure what Mozart died of. Hesuffered from rheumatic pain, headaches, toothaches, skin eruptions, and lethargy. A commontheory today is that Mozart died of uremia following chronic kidney disease. Another possibility isrheumatic fever. Regardless of the cause, Mozart became bedridden for the last two weeks of hislife. He died at shortly after midnight on December 5th, 1791, aged thirty-five years, elevenmonths, and nine days. Mozarts legacy is incestimalbe. A master of every form in which he worked, he set standards of excellence that have inspiredgenerations of composers. Some of his representative worksSymphonies Nos. 25, 29, 38, 39, 40 41 JupiterPiano Concertos Nos. 19, 20 ; 27sinfonia concertante for violin and violaString Quartets: the Hunt, the DissonanceString Quintet No.4 in G minor, K516Le Nozze di Figaro